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Steering economic opportunities in informal settlements in Ecuador by recycling materials for new buildings.


Atucucho is a struggling settlement in Quito. Here, a local youth organisation teamed-up with architects to propose a factory building – a space that would provide trainings and host cultural activities. The building of this factory aims to innovate upon local construction practices in Ecuador through the circular economy: by recycling and reusing waste materials from the local building industry.

#Education #Migrants #Slum #DIY #SelfBuild #Bamboo #School #SanitationEducation 

What is the impact of your project?

This project actively involves young people in the development of local economy, and provides them a much-needed meeting place. It will set an example for Ecuador’s other informal settlements by empowering locals to access the production and circulation of building materials. 

What does the team need to proceed to the next phase?

how much funding is needed?

$5,000 seed funding.
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what kind of supply is needed?

Loading truck and cement.
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what type of advice is needed?

Business development advice on how to upscale towards a federation of factories in Quito.
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